Thursday 16 February 2012

The TCI: Beautiful by Nature

One of the wild "potcakes."

With fresh water being a limited resource, rain collection gets creative.

You can't have all work and no play.

Community outreach day at the center.

These spikes can puncture a basketball... wouldn't want to fall on one.

Easy living at the center.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Semester in paradise

Wild horses and donkeys roam the island.

The birds that like to hang out at the town docks. 

Between salt water and hurricanes the vehicles here don't fair well.

We were given a tour of one of the fish processing plants on the island. The fishers bring their catch up to the plant to be weighed after a full day on the water.

A wheel barrow full of spiny lobster.

A staff of women clean the conch and the spiny lobsters each day, getting them ready to be packaged and shipped off to the States.

A typical afternoon at the center, with our own family band playing as the sun sets.

After a long day in the sun the best place to nap is curled up in a hammock. 

On our Sunday off we spent the day snorkeling at East Bay.